Bloodhound is the latest sugar beet variety from SESVanderHave to be added to the British Beet Research Organisation’s Recommended List. With the lowest early bolting score on the 2018 list, Bloodhound offers growers an opportunity to sow early and maximise yield potential.
The list assesses early sowing by counting bolters/ha in plots sown before March 5. The average of all control varieties was 6,745/ha, Bloodhound scored 2,882/ha – the lowest on the list.
“Early drilling is the key to making the most of the yield potential of sugar beet,” explains SESVanderHave UK Director, Ian Munnery. “However, early sowing also carries the risk of early bolting which will reduce yields and increase costs.”
Bloodhound, like all SESVanderHave varieties, has been bred and selected specifically to suit UK conditions.
“Each year, we conduct some 20,000 trials across the key sugar beet growing areas of Britain. Our UK focused programme has delivered varieties with real staying power such as Cayman and Springbok which have been Fully Recommended for several years.